Feb 5Liked by Keturah

Your imagery is always so lovely. How cool that you met another Keturah!

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Thanks!! Yes it is pretty cool!

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Feb 5Liked by Keturah

It seems like there's a lot to be learned from insular religious communities that have managed to survive many centuries without becoming outright cults or having spectacular schisms and crack-ups. I suspect part of the secret is not allowing single charismatic leaders/prophets to emerge? (Especially males interested in accumulating sexual conquests of young women LOL -- seems to be a common theme in cults). How do they handle individual authority and leadership in these communities?

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Yes there's a lot to that. Although there are STILL sexual scandals rampant even in the anabaptist communities. I don't find this as a bad thing though, because any community or organization will have scandal. What I like to see is how open and receptive people are and if the majority of the group seems to be getting on well.

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